TOLL Tournaments

The Tochigi Legends league has hosted a number of tournaments. The ultimate goal is to run a tournament 4 times a year during each season, but for now we are working on holding one or two a year where possible.

The third RIR Tournament was:
The Rumbble in the Rice III: The Rumbble in the Dice.

The Second RIR Tournament was:
The Rumbble in the Rice II: The Rumbble in the Ice.

Our second event, very successful, but sadly last minute cancellations and the escalating situation regarding the Omicron variant of Covid-19 caused more than a few people to drop out. We were still able to enjoy ourselves immensely and you can see a write up of the whole event here which includes links to the TOLL youtube page where we streamed the whole event!

Our first tournament was:
THE RUMBBLE IN THE RICE I: The Revival in the Rice.

Rumbble In the Rice’ I’s Event Artwork by DA COMMISH’.

The first tournament was planned for 10 players, and when an 11th showed up, DA COMMISH’ stepped up bringing the coach count to 12! Not bad for a first outing! Take a look at the /rir/page to see how things went (If the data is available!)

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